Ehsaas Humqadam Program
Ehsaas Humqadam Program is a 2000 cash stipend that will be provided to disabled persons. If you are disabled and living below 30 PMT score then you are eligible for this program.
The government has decided to provide a monthly stipend for disabled persons registered in NADRA records. Which will include women, men, children, and transgender. Moreover, registration of the Ehsaas Humqadam program through SMS and online application is now start by the Government of Pakistan.
Persons who cannot work due to disability. The government will provide them monthly 2000 from the national budget. Hence, these people will fulfill their needs with this money.
In the Ehsaas Humqadam Program, only disabled people will be register. You can easily complete your registration by following the two methods given below. Basic details like its terms and conditions and registration method are available online and through SMS protocol.
Ehsaas Humqadam Program Online Registration
Those who wish to register for this Ehsaas program scheme must check their eligibility. Basic verification of this eligibility is check through 8123 SMS through CNIC number. Once you have become eligible then you can easily register for this program. Register persons will get a 2000 stipend. On the other hand, those who need a wheelchair can also apply for it for free via this scheme.
Registration through the Humqadam App
Now it is possible to register for the Ehsaas Humqadam Program through the official app. Yes! You just need to download the official App from the Play Store and follow these steps to register online in this Ehsaas Hum Qadam Program:
- Download the Ehsaas Humqadam Progam App
- Open this app on your mobile phone
- Now click on Humqadam Program Registration
- Provide your name, date of birth, CNIC number, father’s name, and other basic details
- Click on the register button and wait until the registration process completes
- Congratulations! You have been registering in Ehsaas Humqadam Progam through the App

Check Humqadam Eligibility
To apply online first you have to check the eligibility. The method is quite simple. Firstly, you have to type your CNIC (ID card) number with HQ in an SMS and send it to 8123 after sending this SMS you will get information about your eligibility.
8123 Program For Disabled Persons
The government of Pakistan has prepared a monthly stipend, especially for the care of disabled people. The rate of poverty has increased alarmingly. Due to this, the government has expressed to give monthly financial assistance to people with a poverty score of 30.

The Humqadam program is specially design for disabled people. 8123 if you are declared eligible then visit the nearest Ehsaas Registration Office today where you will be fully register.
Check the Online Web Portal Humqadam Program
There is an official web portal that is only design for users who want to check and register in the Ehsaas Hum Qadam Program. Yes! That portal is very useful for the Pakistani public. You can easily check your eligibility. Follow these simple steps to check eligibility online:
- Visit the official website.
- Here enter your CNIC number
- Give it a click, and let you know if you are eligible for this program
- After providing all the information the website will inform you whether you are eligible for Ehsaas Hum Qadam Program 2025 or not.
Ehsaas Disabled Person Program
Disabled persons are the responsibility of the government of Pakistan. Such persons are unable to work and earn their living. That’s why, we have to take care of the disable persons. Keeping in view this fact the government of Pakistan has introduce Ehsaas Disabled Person Program. This program will provide a stipend to register disabled persons. If you have a NADRA certificate of disability then you can apply for a program today.
احساس ہم قدم پروگرام
احساس ہم قدم پروگرام 2000 کا نقد وظیفہ ہے جو معذور افراد کو فراہم کیا جائے گا۔ اگر آپ معذور ہیں اور 30 پی ایم ٹی سکور سے کم پر رہ رہے ہیں تو آپ اس پروگرام کے اہل ہیں۔ حکومت نے نادرا کے ریکارڈ میں رجسٹرڈ معذور افراد کے لیے ماہانہ وظیفہ دینے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔ جس میں خواتین، مرد، بچے اور خواجہ سرا شامل ہوں گے۔
مزید یہ کہ احساس ہم قدم پروگرام کی رجسٹریشن بذریعہ ایس ایم ایس اور ایپ کے ذریعے آن لائن درخواست اب حکومت پاکستان نے شروع کر دی ہے۔ وہ لوگ جو معذوری کی وجہ سے کام نہیں کر سکتے۔ حکومت انہیں قومی بجٹ سے ماہانہ 2000 فراہم کرے گی۔ اس لیے یہ لوگ اس رقم سے اپنی ضروریات پوری کریں گے۔ احساس ہم قدم پروگرام میں صرف معذور افراد ہی رجسٹر ہوں گے۔ آپ اوپر دیے گئے دو طریقوں پر عمل کر کے آسانی سے اپنی رجسٹریشن مکمل کر سکتے ہیں۔
I hope you have found answers to all your questions in this article. If you still do not understand the method, you can ask by sending a message in the comment box below.
A budget of 3.5 billion rupees is set for the Ehsaas Hamqadam Program 2025. If your poverty score is less than 30 then apply today and you can register online through the 8123 web portal. Moreover, this program was first launch for the region of Punjab only. But now it is available in all the provinces of Pakistan. Hence, all Pakistani CNIC and B-Form holders can register and get money from the Hamqadam Program.
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